Do you want to be a Pirate?

 I believe that being a pirate is bad and amazing!!!!! If you do what the captain says it’s a good day for you but, if you don’t, well, bye you’re dead! 

The evidence that supports that being a pirate is great is all the good stuff that goes along with being a pirate. The most important activity in my opinion is you go on lots of adventures; You go to find treasures on treasure maps which take you all around the world.Gold, and Silver! I’m guessing you know this one, pirates are rich, this is the reason they get soooooooooo rich they steal, and look for treasure. The most entertaining of all of the activities I listed is card games, two card games that my Mom told me about are poker, and bridge. On guard! My favorite activity has come! Fencing! Fencing is the practice of sword fighting pirates used it like us, they used it to practice sword fighting though we also think of fencing as a sport nowadays. Feel the cool water spray in your face and the wind in your uncut hair. You are sailing in the Caribbean. It is hot and humid. That’s what pirates do most of the time.

On the other hand being a pirate is not always so good. My first reason is that you get scurvy which is where you don’t get enough vitamin C. This rarely happens but, if you cross another ship of pirates’ path sometimes you will get into some trouble. Unless you are Captain Jack Sparrow! Unfortunately if you get caught as a pirate you will be sent straight to jail. Those were the bad events that can happen if you decide to be a pirate.  

In conclusion, being a pirate is fun but there are lots of consequences.

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