What items reflect

Hi everyone today I’m going to show you a experiment that shows you which  items reflect or absorb





Does the type of materials being reflected matter?  Yes it does matter because if you want it to reflect it has to be non transparent.

What is the best/worst material to reflect? Why?


Hypothesis (what do I think will happen before my experiment and why do I think that?)


Yes/No it matters about the material – tell me why

I think It does matter what type of materials that we use because if it is too dark then it won’t reflect.

Prediction: Worst black paper
mirror Tin Foil Crumpled
Tinfoil Coloured paper
Construction paper – white? papper
Coloured construction paper Tinfoil flat
Black construction Best-mirror


What materials have I used:






Procedure – What did I do (Step by step):

  1. I gathered my materials
  2. I set up my mirror with the clay
  3. I use different materials to try and get a light reflection
  4. I shone my flashlight into the mirror to see how the different materials reflected


Observations: (Explain what happened. What did you see. You can record a video, take a picture with labels, or write it out. Make sure you use keywords no matter what you choose)


Material: Reflection? Y/N comments:
paper Not really Barely reflected.
mirror yes reflected
tinfoil medium reflected
Crumpled tin foil medium reflected


Conclusion: (Was my hypothesis right? What happened and why?) My hypothesis was right and wrong only one thing was wrong the crumpled tin foil reflected pretty well then I thought;

But everything else was right. If you want the item to reflect  it has to be non transparent.


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