Single-use plastics

This statement is about not using single-use plastics. Why single-use plastics are bad. What you can use instead of single-use plastics. Why they are also bad for humans.

Why single-use plastics are bad. Single-use plastics are bad because they break down in a lot of time. Single-use plastics are also bad because lots of people use them. Single-use plastics are not good quality and have to be thrown out a lot of the time. And that is why single-use plastics are bad.

What you can use instead of single-use plastic items. You can use bamboo cutlery instead of plastic cutlery. You can use biodegradable utensils instead of plastic utensils. You can use paper cups instead of plastic ones. That is why you should not use single-use plastics.

Why they are also bad for humans. If fish eat plastic them then humans eat them then we’ve got plastic in ourselves. They pollute our planet. If we see dead animals are planet will look less calming and safe.

And that is why single-use plastics are bad for marine life and us I hope that you will have a good day!

One thought on “Single-use plastics

  1. I think it is really wonderful that you are using your voice to speak about protecting the planet and the creatures (including humans) that inhabit it.

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